Bazaar 2.1.0b3 "after sprint recovery"

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Code name:
after sprint recovery
John A Meinel
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4 John A Meinel, 3 Vincent Ladeuil
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
7 Fix Released

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download icon Bazaar-2.1.0b3-3-desktop.pkg (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0b3-3 Mac OS X 10.6 Standalone Installer 393
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download icon bzr-2.1.0b3-1-setup.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0b3-1 Windows Standalone Installer 686
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0b3-1.win32-py2.6.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0b3-1 python2.6 installer 182
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0b3-1.win32-py2.5.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0b3-1 python2.5 installer 143
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0b3-1.win32-py2.4.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0b3-1 python2.4 installer 114
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download icon bzr-2.1.0b3.tar.gz (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0b3 source 971
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,489

Release notes 

This release was pushed up from its normal release cycle due to a regression in python 2.4 compatibility in 2.1.0b2. Since this regression was caught before 2.1.0b2 was officially announced, the full changelog includes both 2.1.0b3 and 2.1.0b2 changes.

Highlights of 2.1.0b3 are: new globbing code for all commands on Windows, the test suite now conforms to python's trunk enhanced semantics (skip, etc.), and "bzr info -v" will now report the correct branch and repo formats for Remote objects.


View the full changelog

bzr 2.1.0b3

:Codename: after sprint recovery
:2.1.0b3: 2009-11-16

This release was pushed up from its normal release cycle due to a
regression in python 2.4 compatibility in 2.1.0b2. Since this regression
was caught before 2.1.0b2 was officially announced, the full changelog
includes both 2.1.0b3 and 2.1.0b2 changes.

Highlights of 2.1.0b3 are: new globbing code for all commands on Windows,
the test suite now conforms to python's trunk enhanced semantics (skip,
etc.), and ``bzr info -v`` will now report the correct branch and repo
formats for Remote objects.

New Features

* Users can define a shelve editor to provide shelf functionality at a
  granularity finer than per-patch-hunk. (Aaron Bentley)

Bug Fixes

* Fix for shell completion and short options. (Benoît PIERRE)

* Hooks daughter classes should always call the base constructor.
  (Alexander Belchenko, Vincent Ladeuil, #389648)

* Improve "Binary files differ" hunk handling. (Aaron Bentley, #436325)

* On Windows, do glob expansion at the command-line level (as is usually
  done in bash, etc.) This means that *all* commands get glob expansion
  (bzr status, bzr add, bzr mv, etc). It uses a custom command line
  parser, which allows us to know if a given section was quoted. It means
  you can now do ``bzr ignore "*.py"``.
  (John Arbash Meinel, #425510, #426410, #194450)

* Sanitize commit messages that come in from the '-m' flag. We translate
  '\r\n' => '\n' and a plain '\r' => '\n'. The storage layer doesn't
  allow those because XML store silently translate it anyway. (The parser
  auto-translates \r\n => \n in ways that are hard for us to catch.)

* Show correct branch and repository format descriptions in
  ``bzr info -v`` on a smart server location. (Andrew Bennetts, #196080)

* The fix for bug #186920 accidentally broke compatibility with python
  2.4. (Vincent Ladeuil, #475585)


* Include Japanese translations for documentation (Inada Naoki)


* -Dhpssvfs will now trigger on ``RemoteBzrDir._ensure_real``, providing
  more debugging of VFS access triggers. (Robert Collins)

* KnownFailure is now signalled to ``ExtendedTestResult`` using the same
  method that Python 2.7 uses - ``addExpectedFailure``. (Robert Collins)

* ``--parallel=fork`` is now compatible with --subunit.
  (Robert Collins, Vincent Ladeuil, #419776)

* TestNotApplicable is now handled within the method rather
  than being looked for within ``ExtendedTestResult.addError``. This
  provides better handling with other ``TestResult`` objects, degrading to
  sucess rather than error. (Robert Collins)

* The private method ``_testConcluded`` on ``ExtendedTestResult`` has been
  removed - it was empty and unused. (Robert Collins)

* UnavailableFeature is now handled within the method rather
  than being looked for within addError. If the Result object does not
  have an addNotSupported method, addSkip is attempted instead, and
  failing that addSuccess. (Robert Collins)

* When a TestResult does not have an addSkip method, skipped tests are now
  reported as successful tests, rather than as errors. This change is
  to make it possible to get a clean test run with a less capable
  TestResult. (Robert Collins)

bzr 2.1.0b2

:Codename: a load off my mind
:2.1.0b2: 2009-11-02

This is our second feature-filled release since 2.0, pushing us down the
path to a 2.1.0. Once again, all bugfixes in 2.0.2 are present in 2.1.0b2.

Key highlights in this release are: improved handling of
failures-during-cleanup for commit, fixing a long-standing bug with
``bzr+http`` and shared repositories, all ``lp:`` urls to be resolved
behind proxies, and a new StaticTuple datatype, allowing us to reduce
memory consumption (50%) and garbage collector overhead (40% faster) for
many operations.

Bug Fixes

* ``bzr+http`` servers no longer give spurious jail break errors when
  serving branches inside a shared repository. (Andrew Bennetts, #348308)

* Errors during commit are handled more robustly so that knock-on errors
  are less likely to occur, and will not obscure the original error if
  they do occur. This fixes some causes of ``TooManyConcurrentRequests``
  and similar errors. (Andrew Bennetts, #429747, #243391)

* Launchpad urls can now be resolved from behind proxies.
  (Gordon Tyler, Vincent Ladeuil, #186920)

* Reduce the strictness for StaticTuple, instead add a debug flag
  ``-Dstatic_tuple`` which will change apis to be strict and raise errors.
  This way, most users won't see failures, but developers can improve
  internals. (John Arbash Meinel, #471193)

* TreeTransform.adjust_path updates the limbo paths of descendants of adjusted
  files. (Aaron Bentley)

* Unicode paths are now handled correctly and consistently by the smart
  server. (Andrew Bennetts, Michael Hudson, #458762)


* When reading index files, we now use a ``StaticTuple`` rather than a
  plain ``tuple`` object. This generally gives a 20% decrease in peak
  memory, and can give a performance boost up to 40% on large projects.
  (John Arbash Meinel)

* Peak memory under certain operations has been reduced significantly.
  (eg, 'bzr branch launchpad standalone' is cut in half)
  (John Arbash Meinel)


* Filtered views user documentation upgraded to refer to format 2a
  instead of pre-2.0 formats. (Ian Clatworthy)

API Changes

* Remove deprecated ``CLIUIFactory``. (Martin Pool)

* ``UIFactory`` now has new ``show_error``, ``show_message`` and
  ``show_warning`` methods, which can be hooked by non-text UIs.
  (Martin Pool)


* Added ``bzrlib._simple_set_pyx``. This is a hybrid between a Set and a
  Dict (it only holds keys, but you can lookup the object located at a
  given key). It has significantly reduced memory consumption versus the
  builtin objects (1/2 the size of Set, 1/3rd the size of Dict). This is
  used as the interning structure for StaticTuple objects.
  (John Arbash Meinel)

* ``bzrlib._static_tuple_c.StaticTuple`` is now available and used by
  the btree index parser and the chk map parser. This class functions
  similarly to ``tuple`` objects. However, it can only point to a limited
  collection of types. (Currently StaticTuple, str, unicode, None, bool,
  int, long, float, but not subclasses). This allows us to remove it from
  the garbage collector (it cannot be in a cycle), it also allows us to
  intern the objects. In testing, this can reduce peak memory by 20-40%,
  and significantly improve performance by removing objects from being
  inspected by the garbage collector. (John Arbash Meinel)

* ``GroupCompressBlock._ensure_content()`` will now release the
  ``zlib.decompressobj()`` when the first request is for all of the
  content. (Previously it would only be released if you made a request for
  part of the content, and then all of it later.) This turns out to be a
  significant memory savings, as a ``zstream`` carries around approx 260kB
  of internal state and buffers. (For branching this drops peak
  memory from 382MB => 345MB.) (John Arbash Meinel)

* When streaming content between ``2a`` format repositories, we now clear
  caches from earlier versioned files. (So 'revisions' is cleared when we
  start reading 'inventories', etc.) This can have a significant impact on
  peak memory for initial copies (~200MB). (John Arbash Meinel)

bzr 2.0.2

:Codename: after the scare
:2.0.2: 2009-11-02

The second in our "let's keep the stable bugfixes flowing" series. As
expected this has a few (~9) bugfixes relative to 2.0.1, and no major api
changes or features.

Bug Fixes

* Avoid "NoneType has no attribute st_mode" error when files disappear
  from a directory while it's being read. (Martin Pool, #446033)

* Content filters are now applied correctly after revert.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* Diff parsing handles "Binary files differ" hunks. (Aaron Bentley, #436325)

* Fetching from stacked pre-2a repository via a smart server no longer
  fails intermittently with "second push failed to complete".
  (Andrew Bennetts, #437626)

* Fix typos left after test_selftest refactoring.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, Matt Nordhoff, #461149)

* Fixed ``ObjectNotLocked`` errors during ``bzr log -r NNN somefile``.
  (Andrew Bennetts, #445171)

* PreviewTree file names are not limited by the encoding of the temp
  directory's filesystem. (Aaron Bentley, #436794)


* ``bzr log`` now read-locks branches exactly once, so makes better use of
  data caches. (Andrew Bennetts)


* Filtered views user documentation upgraded to refer to format 2a
  instead of pre-2.0 formats. (Ian Clatworthy)

0 blueprints and 7 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
475585 #475585 Launchpad plugin is not compatible with python-2.4 in bzr 2.1.0b2 2 Critical Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
425510 #425510 'bzr mv' should do wildcard expansion on windows 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
426410 #426410 'bzr rm' should do wildcard expansion on Windows 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
194450 #194450 commit doesn't supports wildcards in windows 4 Medium John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
389648 #389648 AttributeError _callable_names in get_hook_name running bzr hooks 4 Medium Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
419776 #419776 selftest --subunit output incompatible with --parallel=fork 4 Medium Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
433779 #433779 2.0.0rc2: error: Invalid value for commit message 4 Medium John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
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