Bazaar 1.6beta2

This release contains further progress towards our 1.6 goals of shallow
repositories, and contains a fix for some user-affecting bugs in the
repository layer. Building working trees during checkout and branch is
now faster.

Milestone information

Martin Pool
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Release notes 

bzr 1.6beta2 2008-06-10

This release contains further progress towards our 1.6 goals of shallow
repositories, and contains a fix for some user-affecting bugs in the
repository layer. Building working trees during checkout and branch is
now faster.


    * Avoid KnitCorrupt error extracting inventories from some repositories.
      (The data is not corrupt; an internal check is detecting a problem
      reading from the repository.)
      (Martin Pool, Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins, #234748)

    * Inserting a bundle which changes the contents of a file with no trailing
      end of line, causing a knit snapshot in a 'knits' repository will no longer
      cause KnitCorrupt. (Robert Collins)

    * ``RemoteBranch.pull`` needs to return the ``self._real_branch``'s
      pull result. It was instead just returning None, which breaks ``bzr
      pull``. (John Arbash Meinel, #238149)

    * Sanitize branch nick before using it as an attachment filename in
      ``bzr send``. (Lukáš Lalinský, #210218)

    * Squash ``inv_entry.symlink_target`` to a plain string when
      generating DirState details. This prevents from getting a
      ``UnicodeError`` when you have symlinks and non-ascii filenames.
      (John Arbash Meinel, #135320)


    * Added the 'alias' command to set/unset and display aliases. (Tim Penhey)

    * ``added``, ``modified``, and ``unknowns`` behaviour made consistent (all three
      now quote paths where required). Added ``--null`` option to ``added`` and
      ``modified`` (for null-separated unknowns, use ``ls --unknown --null``)
      (Adrian Wilkins)

    * Faster branching (1.09x) and lightweight checkouts (1.06x) on large trees.
      (Ian Clatworthy, Aaron Bentley)


    * ``bzr status`` was breaking if you merged the same revision twice.
      (John Arbash Meinel, #235407)


    * Added *Bazaar Zen* section to the User Guide. (Ian Clatworthy)


    * Fix the test HTTPServer to be isolated from chdir calls made while it is
      running, allowing it to be used in blackbox tests. (Robert Collins)


    * ``WorkingTree.set_parent_(ids/trees)`` will now filter out revisions
      which are in the ancestry of other revisions. So if you merge the same
      tree twice, or merge an ancestor of an existing merge, it will only
      record the newest. (If you merge a descendent, it will replace its
      ancestor). (John Arbash Meinel, #235407)


    * Knit record serialisation is now stricter on what it will accept, to
      guard against potential internal bugs, or broken input. (Robert Collins)


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