Comment 4 for bug 403687

Revision history for this message
Tim Powell (theuiguy) wrote :

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Which set of shelved changes would you use to decide whether to
> indicated it as modified?

I would think it'd be any file that has a shelved change. If it's changed on multiple shelves I think I'd still just want to see that the file has a shelved change.

> Would you consider the case where shelved changes have already been
> applied to the working tree, meaning that unshelving would not change
> the file, despite there being shelved changes for that file?

I had not considered this case because I don't think I've ever run into it. Even so, I would think you'd still want to show it as having a shelved change since it's on a shelf.

> I think it makes sense for status to indicate when there are shelved
> changes, but that doesn't mean it should be done on a per-file basis.
> Just "3 sets of changes have been shelved" would remind people of the
> shelved changes.

This would be better than nothing and an improvement from what's there now. Why wouldn't you want to see the files, though? I understand that you may shelve a related set of changes, but that's not always the case.

I suppose that with multiple shelves you might want to show each shelf, shelf id, date and then the files affected, essentially a superset of bzr shelf list that shows the changed files.

> A shelf is more like a working tree than a revision.

I found this helpful and thought provoking, but it feels only partially true. A shelf feels like a diff/patch just like a revision. On the other hand, the changes are local to the working tree and nobody else sees them until they become a revision.