Loom 2.2

Milestone information

Jelmer Vernooij
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1 Aaron Bentley, 8 Jelmer Vernooij, 6 Robert Collins, 2 Vincent Ladeuil
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
17 Fix Released

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Release notes 

* bzr-loom requires bzr 2.4.0 due to API changes in bzr. On older versions of
  bzr bzr-loom will still work for most operations but will fail when making
  new branches as part of a push or branch operation. (Robert Collins, #201613)


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* --auto is now the default on up-thread. You can supply a thread name to stop
  at a given thread, or --manual to go up a single thread. (Aaron Bentley)

* ``bzr combine-thread`` now accepts a ``--force`` option.


* A new revision specifier ``below:`` has been added. (Robert Collins, #195282)


* bzr-loom is now compatible with bzr 2.3b5 and newer. There were some API
  additions bzr-loom needed to support. Compatibility with earlier versions is
  unaffected. (Andrew Bennetts)

* Loom now takes advantage of lazy loading of bzr objects (though not to a
  complete degree), reducing the overhead of having it installed.
  (Robert Collins)

* Loom now registers a ``bzr status`` hook rather than overriding the
  ``bzr status`` command. (Jelmer Vernooij)

* Loom now checks that a compatible version of bzr is being used.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #338214)


* ``bzr combine-thread`` will no longer combine threads without ``--force``
  when the thread being removed has work not merged into either the thread
  above or below. (Robert Collins, #506235)

* ``bzr loomify`` explicitly checks that branches being converted are not Looms
  already. This should not have been needed, but apparently it was.
  (Robert Collins, #600452)

* ``bzr nick`` will now rename a thread rather than setting the current thread
  pointer to an invalid value. (Robert Collins, #203203, #260947, #304608)

* ``bzr nick`` will now rename the branch too. (Vincent Ladeuil, #606174)

* ``switch`` now accepts the ``--directory`` option. (Vincent Ladeuil, #595563)

* The ``thread:`` revision specifier will no longer throw an attribute error
  when used on a normal branch. (Robert Collins, #231283)

* The ``bzr status`` hook for looms will no longer crash on non-workingtree
  trees. (Jelmer Vernooij, #904095)

0 blueprints and 17 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
193893 #193893 branching over bzr+ssh does not propogate loom threads 2 Critical Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
586602 #586602 open() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name' running 'info -v' 2 Critical Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
203203 #203203 bzr nick breaks loom 3 High Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
600452 #600452 loomify twice explodes 3 High Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
606174 #606174 bzr nick renames the thread but fails to change the branch nick 3 High Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
758696 #758696 bzr.dev revno 5781 or 5782 broke bzr-loom (needs .inventory) 3 High Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
813007 #813007 passes in parent revision ids rather than inventories to CommitBuilder.record_entry_contents 3 High Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
924521 #924521 bzr crashed with TypeError in from_string(): unbound method get_format_string() must be called with BzrBranchLoomFormat7 instance as first argument (got nothing instead) 3 High Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
941258 #941258 "bzr st -r REVNO1..REVNO2" crashes in loom 3 High Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
194274 #194274 Removing the bottom thread should be possible. 4 Medium Aaron Bentley  10 Fix Released
260947 #260947 loom needs to hook into 'bzr nick' to make that rename the thread -or- refuse to change. 4 Medium Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
369386 #369386 loom's help for 'status' shadows builtin help 4 Medium Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
774081 #774081 bzr branch fails with initialize() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name' 4 Medium Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
815223 #815223 Requires bzr 2.4 but does not declare this 4 Medium Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
304608 #304608 Cannot rename thread 6 Wishlist Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
338214 #338214 loom should call require_api_version() 6 Wishlist Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
506235 #506235 combine-thread should perform safety checks 6 Wishlist Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
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