Comment 19 for bug 525552

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Matthew Hawkins (darthmdh) wrote :

Hi Dustin,

I'm just using the power prompt from here:
Running "byobu bash --login" gives me one window where everything is fine, subsequent windows opened (ctrl-a c) still exhibit the unwanted behaviour (I guess this indicates PS1 is gone before screen runs)

exporting PS1 in ~/.bashrc works around the problem since that's sourced by every bash instance.

The environment in the rxvt terminal where I run 'byobu' has the correct PS1 so its only after running byobu that its messed with - and like you I can't see where exactly in the byobu sources this is!

I just noticed byobu-janitor creates a blank ~/.screenrc - could it be that people who don't see this issue have "deflogin on" in the screen config, and those who experience this issue don't (because of a blank ~/.screenrc and nothing in byobu setting it on) ?