Build history for “mekbuda (amd64+qemu)”

175 of 7734 results
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of python-pycares 0.6.1-1chl1~trusty1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of project-neon5-kprintutils 0.0+git20140728.0311+neon4~617e29e~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kio-extras 0.0+git20140728.0309+neon4~1b2f27c~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kitemmodels 0.0+git20140728.0308+neon4~a90e289~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] deleted recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of macumba 0.1-0~23~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of lyx2.1 2.1.1~git20140728~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 16 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libvdpau 0.7-2~gd~t in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of cinnamon-settings-daemon 2.3.0-20140728004505-trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of mdm 1.6.9-20140728000009-trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of neovim 0.0.0+897+201407272016~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] deleted recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[PRIVATE JOB] Private job
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of indi-gphoto 1.1+r72.155~ubuntu10.04.1 in ubuntu lucid RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of indi-gphoto 1.1+r72.155~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~mutlaqja/+git/dummy recipe build in ubuntu lucid
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of liblauncher 0.3.6+14.04.20140726-0uber2 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[PRIVATE JOB] Private job
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of qlcplus 4.6.0+r1264+daily+ppa+20140727~ubuntu10.04.1 in ubuntu lucid RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kauth 5.0.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu14.10~ppa0+santa1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of citesting 1406473201 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of elementary 201407271434-10228~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 11 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] deleted recipe build in ubuntu precise
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of tracker 1.0.2-1ubuntu1~ppa0 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] armhf build of boinc 7.4.0~nightly1~~git20140727+r21900~r184~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 hours 40 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of samdecrypt 2.5.2~utopic in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of gearmand-easybib 1.1.12-0easybib0~preciseppa in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of titania 0.7.1-0~1291~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 hour 20 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of navit-svn 5.0+59~20140727~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libopenshot-audio 0.0.2+0+27+56+201407270436~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of gwyddion 2.37.20140727-0~ppa1~precise1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 12 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of mkclean 0.8.7-0ppa1~precise in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kcodecs 0.0+git20140727.0314+neon4~4685f31~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-systemsettings 0.0+git20140727.0314+neon4~04b4dcd~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kguiaddons 0.0+git20140727.0313+neon4~6296280~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kwin 0.0+git20140727.0310+neon4~2c78ff8~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 25 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kcoreaddons 0.0+git20140727.0309+neon4~b0e03c6~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-ksysguard 0.0+git20140727.0307+neon4~4a37e0d~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of ldm 2:2.2.13+r1546+p960+201407270203~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of citesting 1406422801 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] armhf build of kivy 1.8.1-daily0+201407262116-2174-testing42~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 hours 20 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of ffmpeg 7:2.3.1+git~trusty1.2 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 19 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of easyvdr-setup 0.9.10-0easyVDR17~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 12 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of citesting 1406401201 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] deleted recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 13 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~gabriel1984sibiu/anki/anki recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of gstreamer1.0 1.4.0-1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 10 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of mpv 2:0.4.2+git~ppa1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 18 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of terminology 201407261749-1115~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of evas-loaders 201407261747-139~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of edbus 201407261747-575~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~enlightenment-git/enlightenment-svn/ecomorph-git recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~enlightenment-git/enlightenment-svn/edbus recipe build in ubuntu precise
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of parole 0.7.0+git-0~827~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] ~guilhem-fr/asterisk/11 recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of qwwad 1.0+264+13~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~valavanisalex/qwwad/+git/qwwad recipe build in ubuntu precise
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of syncany 0.1.7.alpha+SNAPSHOT.1407261551.gitba96c64~trustyppa1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of neovim 0.0.0+897+201407261534~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of indi-gphoto 1.1+r70.155~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] deleted recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of xorg-server-1.9 1:1.9.5-201407261517+emgd~rev43~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~thopiekar/emgd/+git/xserver-xorg recipe build in ubuntu precise
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of qlcplus 4.6.0+r1262+daily+ppa+20140726~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libefl 201407261352-26182~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 15 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] ~rudenko/neovim/master recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Missing dependencies: lua-cmsgpack
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of tables 0.7.79-1cran1ppa0 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of randtoolbox 1.15-1cran1ppa0 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of rngwell 0.10-3-1cran1ppa0trusty0 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of meta-kde 5:84ubuntu5~santa4 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] ~kicad-product-committers/kicad/product recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] deleted recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of octave 4.1.0+hg20140726.18958.c9f960441513-0~ppa1~trusty1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 hour 30 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of ambulant 2.5.20140726~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~adamreichold/qpdfview/trunk recipe build in ubuntu precise
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
175 of 7734 results