Comment 2 for bug 2052936

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Chris Papademetrious (chrispitude) wrote :

The PageElement.self_and_parents Iterator and an include_self argument for find_parents() would be great, if you're able to squeeze them in!

For PageElement.matches(), my primary use would be code where I make decisions about restructuring content based on what exists. This would involve more random control logic than looping. (I am careful to use loops where appropriate, as runtime is important for the amount of content I process.)

I'm really just looking for a variant of find_*() that works on that element itself. It can even return the element itself on a positive match. For example, I might do something like this:

if this_tag.matches('div', class_='prolog') and
        this_tag.next_sibling and this_tag.next_sibling.matches('div', class_='abstract'):
    # do some stuff

Actually, XML::Twig has variants of matches() like next_sibling_matches() which elegantly handles the case where the next thing doesn't exist at all, but I have a feeling I'm wearing out my welcome by mentioning it. :) Maybe I should consider extending bs4 and adding all these convenience methods that I tend to use.