Comment 2 for bug 868423

Revision history for this message
John Lea (johnlea) wrote :


Agreed that this change has some implications that need to be considered.

> 2. A little concerned about users losing windows, and not knowing the keyboard shortcuts to navigate workspaces...(or
> knowing > what a workspace is).

If the workspace switcher was not present in the launcher all other workspace functions would be disabled (basically workspaces would not exist), so it would not be possible for a user to move a window to another workspace. If this change is implemented there are a large number of workspace touchpoints that would need to be identified and modified.

> What is the rationale behind removing it by default?

Many users use workspaces, but equally there is a large percentage of users who never use workspaces. This enables users to choose if they would like to enable workspaces, so avoids all the UX costs associated with workspaces for users who do not need this functionality. UX costs are increased complexity and added potential for confusion, superfluous elements for some users when in a multi-monitor environment, larger learning curve for users switching to Ubuntu, etc...