
Created by Stefan Rijnhart (Opener) and last modified
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Banking Addons

Recent revisions

170. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] Undefined variables
[FIX] Check ids for long type, not float
[FIX] Prevent extra indentation level by early return

169. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] Address is created without partner

168. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] Boolean function field not to return browse_null record

167. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] Declare wizard as a TransientModel, not Model

166. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] Adapt to API change in last commit

165. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] Do not create partners automatically during statement import but
 offer an easy way to link existing partners or create them
 manually through the bank statement line

164. By Ronald Portier (Therp)

[FIX] lp:1117319, Proper parsing of abnamro SEPA string

163. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] on_change overwrites IBAN with BBAN

162. By Holger Brunn (Therp)

[FIX] avoid linking to the same invoice twice
[FIX] don't choke on order line without debit moves
[FIX] seems like some fields in clieop can't start with a space
[FIX] only employ partial matching on move lines with an invoice attached
[FIX] only return matched invoice if we have a matched invoice

161. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] Multi-company safe partner search

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