
Created by Giuseppe Maxia and last modified
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Branch information

Giuseppe Maxia
MySQL Sandbox

Recent revisions

102. By Giuseppe Maxia

Last commit. This repo has migrated to GitHub

101. By Giuseppe Maxia

- Added MYSQL_EDITOR variable to ./use script
- Added ./mycli script to invoke the mycli command <http://github.com/dbcli/mycli>

100. By Giuseppe Maxia

Added show_relaylog script, similar to show_binlog

99. By Giuseppe Maxia

Fixed quoting error in show_binlog script

98. By Giuseppe Maxia

Fixed Changelog wrong notice
------------- This line and the following will be ignored --------------


97. By Giuseppe Maxia

 - Modified test add_option.sb.pl so that it can also run on MySQL 5.0
 - modified sandbox script json_in_db to use type JSON when version >= 5.7.8
 - Simplified grants.mysql and show_binlogs scripts

96. By Giuseppe Maxia

 Modified test add_option.sb.pl so that it can also run on MySQL 5.0

95. By Giuseppe Maxia

Minor adjustments to descriptions

94. By Giuseppe Maxia

Updated Changelog

93. By Giuseppe Maxia

- Added default name for relay log files.
- Added 'show_binlog' script in each sandbox
- improved tests by getting all the version components from a single function call
- Added GTID initialization options for MySQL 5.6, 5.7, and MariaDB 10
- Added GTID enabling test for MySQL 5.6 and 5.7
- added and improved more tests

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
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