
Created by Francesco Banconi and last modified
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Francesco Banconi

Recent revisions

24. By Francesco Banconi


23. By Gary Poster

Add autologin support for quickstart

To qa, please do the following.

Story 1: quickstart works without autologin support for charm.

Simply run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart`. This will bring up the existing charm, which does not have support for autologin. It should work fine, with password.

Story 2: quickstart works with autologin when available.

Run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --gui-charm-url cs:~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui-134`.

This should bring up the GUI with autologin.

Thank you!


22. By Francesco Banconi

Install missing packages for add-apt-repository.

Also use absolute paths to commands executed
with sudo privileges.

Tests: `make check`


1) Create a saucy LXC sharing your home directory,
    e.g. `sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n quickstart -f <MY-TEMPLATE> \
          -- -r saucy -a amd64 -b $USER`
    where "quickstart" is the name of the container,
    "-r" is used to specify the release to use,
    "-b" binds the home directory of the specified user,
    and <MY-TEMPLATE> is a file with the following contents:
    I assume you already have:
      - a juju home containing the environments.yaml file
        configured with an "ec2" ec2 environment;
      - your ssh keys properly set up;
      - run the tests with `make check` as described above.
    So at this point the container does not have juju
    installed, but the juju home and ssh keys are
    available, and so the branch with a configured testing
    virtualenv. We already have cards for environment
    creation and ssh keys handling.
2) Start the LXC instance (`sudo lxc-start -n quickstart`).
3) Open a console inside the LXC with
    `sudo lxc-console -n quickstart`, log in using your user
    credentials, and cd into the directory where you checked
    out this branch.
4) Run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2 --no-browser`.
    You should be asked the sudo password in order to add
    the missing PPA and install juju-core and lxc.
    Note that installing the packages can take some minutes.
    The process will then proceed as usual.
5) Run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2 --no-browser`
    again: this time no packages installation should be required,
    and quickstart just reuses the existing environment.
6) From the host, stop and destroy the LXC container:
    `sudo lxc-stop -n quickstart` and `sudo lxc-destroy -n quickstart`.
7) Destroy your ec2 environment.

Thank you!

R=bac, rharding

21. By Francesco Banconi

Improve charm URL handling.

Validate the user provided GUI charm URL.
Also add a missing test for complete coverage
(obsessive-compulsive mode on).

Tests: `make check`.


Provide invalid charm URLs, the program
should immediately stop the execution
and exit with an error, e.g.:

.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --gui-charm-url invalid

.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --gui-charm-url local:precise/juju-gui-80

.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --gui-charm-url http:~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui-80

.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --gui-charm-url cs:precise/juju-gui-1 bundle:~jorge/mediawiki-simple/4/mediawiki-simple

.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --gui-charm-url cs:saucy/juju-gui-80

Run the program passing a customized charm URL, e.g.:

.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --gui-charm-url cs:~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui-128

You should see the "using a customized juju-gui charm" warning
printed during the service deployment step.

Re-execute the command above: quickstart should reuse the
service in the environment and the warning is printed again.

Destroy the environment.

Now manually deploy an outdated version of the GUI charm:

(sudo) juju bootstrap
juju deploy cs:precise/juju-gui-79

Run quickstart:
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart

You should see the "charm is outdated" warning, then quickstart
waits for the outdated GUI to be deployed and ready.

Destroy the environment.

Run quickstart normally:
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart
The last official GUI charm (cs:precise/juju-gui-80)
is installed and no warnings are logged.

Destroy the environment.
Done, thank you!

R=rharding, bac

20. By Francesco Banconi

Re-enable watcher requests/responses logging.

Tests: `make check`.

Run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart --debug` and
check that all the "AllWatcher" requests/responses
are properly logged.


19. By Brad Crittenden

Ensure juju and lxc are installed

To test: make check

To QA:
- Create an lxc or vm without juju installed
- Clone this branch
- Run `make sysdeps`
- Run `make run`

It should install juju, lxc, and dependencies, then prompt you to run again
after initializing your juju environments.


18. By Francesco Banconi

Add support for local providers.

Bootstrap the environment with "sudo" if
the environment is configured to use the
local provider.

Also improved debugging documentation.

Tests: make check

To QA this, just run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart`
as you are used to, but with the local provider:
try to deploy a bundle, try to re-run quickstart again
with the environment already bootstrapped.
In general the application should ask for sudo password
and then proceed as usual.


17. By Brad Crittenden

Pass the bundle id when deploying.

If bundle: URL is used, pass the bundle id when deploying so Charmworld can
increment the counter.

R=matthew.scott, frankban

16. By Francesco Banconi

Document bundle debugging and releasing.


15. By Francesco Banconi

Make quickstart idempotent.

- do not bootstrap an environment if already bootstrapped;
- do not deploy the GUI if already there.

Sorry, the diff is long, but there are a lot of tests.

Tests: make check

- .venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2
  and ensure the GUI is correctly deployed;

- .venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2
  again, to check it recognizes that env is
  already bootstrapped and the
  GUI unit is already there;

In the following steps, sometimes the browser
can get confused about certs, wss conections
etc. If the GUI is not loading correctly,
try harder, use incognito mode, change the

- juju destroy-service -e ec2 juju-gui;
- .venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2
  again, to check the service and the unit
  are correctly re-deployed;

Incidentally the step above, in the case it
succeeds, also demonstrates that the GUI can
safely be redeployed in the same machine: I
wasn't sure about this and this means we are
cleaning up things correctly in our charm, yay!

- juju unexpose -e ec2 juju-gui;
- .venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2
  again, to check that the service is
  properly re-exposed;

- juju destroy-unit -e ec2 juju-gui/0;
- .venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2
  again, to check that the unit is
  re-added on the existing service
  (this time it should be named juju-gui/1);

- juju destroy-service -e ec2 juju-gui;
- juju deploy -e ec2 juju-gui (if juju exits with a
  "service already exists" error, retry after a while);
- .venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2 \
The last command, executed right after juju-deploy should
also demonstrates that incidentally quickstart
can also be used to watch an already running
deployment, and that a bundle can still be deployed;

Final check:
- .venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e ec2;
just to ensure quickstart is not surprised
that the unit is not in the bootstrap node
(i.e. you should see "juju-gui/0 is ready on machine 1").

Thanks a lot for testing all of this.
I added a card to automate the QA above with
a collection of functional tests.

Remember to destroy your ec2 environment.

R=gary.poster, rharding

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