Merge lp:~aisrael/charms/precise/nfs/local-caveats-charm-proof into lp:charms/nfs

Proposed by Adam Israel
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 17
Proposed branch: lp:~aisrael/charms/precise/nfs/local-caveats-charm-proof
Merge into: lp:charms/nfs
Diff against target: 360 lines (+316/-8)
2 files modified (+24/-8)
icon.svg (+292/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~aisrael/charms/precise/nfs/local-caveats-charm-proof
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Charles Butler (community) Approve
Review Queue (community) automated testing Needs Fixing
Review via email:

Description of the change

I found that there are some caveats to deploying the NFS charm under the local environment, due to the LXC containers sharing a kernel with the LXC host. I added some documentation to address that scenario, with instructions on working around the limitation.

I also added a generic icon and cleaned up some boilerplate text in the README, so that charm proof passes cleanly.

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18. By Adam Israel

Add nfsd to allowed mount fstypes

Revision history for this message
Review Queue (review-queue) wrote :

This items has failed automated testing! Results available here

review: Needs Fixing (automated testing)
Revision history for this message
Charles Butler (lazypower) wrote :


Thanks for the updated docs adam!

review: Approve

Preview Diff

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1=== modified file ''
2--- 2014-02-06 22:09:13 +0000
3+++ 2014-09-19 22:32:31 +0000
4@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
5 # Overview
7-This charm provides NFSv4 ( Installs and configures an NFSv4 daemon with the standard accompanying services, portmapd and idmapd.
9+This charm provides NFSv4 ( Installs and configures an NFSv4 daemon with the standard accompanying services, portmapd and idmapd.
11 # Usage
13 ### Owncloud
15-Step by step instructions on using the charm:
17 juju deploy nfs
18 juju deploy mysql
19 juju deploy owncloud
20@@ -19,20 +16,39 @@
22 ### Wordpress
24-Step by step instructions on using the charm:
26 juju deploy nfs
27 juju deploy mysql
28 juju deploy wordpress
29 juju add-relation mysql:db wordpress:db
30 juju add-relation nfs:nfs wordpress:nfs
33 ## Known Limitations and Issues
36 At present the charms consuming an NFS relationship only account for a single host. Most charms assume the first incoming NFS mount-point is the sole replacement, and subsequent NFS relationship-join requests are ignored.
38+If you are attempting to deploy NFS to an LXC container, such as the juju local provider, there are additional steps that need to be taken prior to deploying the NFS charm.
40+On the LXC host:
42+ apt-get install nfs-common
43+ modprobe nfsd
44+ mount -t nfsd nfsd /proc/fs/nfsd
46+Edit /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default and add the following three lines to it:
48+ mount fstype=nfs,
49+ mount fstype=nfs4,
50+ mount fstype=nfsd,
51+ mount fstype=rpc_pipefs,
53+after which:
55+ sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor restart
59+ juju deploy nfs
61 # Configuration
63 - initial_daemon_count: The number of nfs daemons to run on startup
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