Comment 9 for bug 188732

Revision history for this message
Aaron Grattafiori (cogitate) wrote :

I just signed up on launchpad to note my disapproval for this change in gnome-terminal. There's lots of things I've wanted to do a launchpad but, this was the last straw.
Having to disable *ALL* cursor blinking for the sake of only gnome-terminal seems silly. After being an option for so long.. why change it now? Is it *really* making gnome more simple? No.
I also think this setting is obfuscated being located in keyboard settings (what is this.. KDE? :-P). I hope this bug gets assigned to someone soon, if its not fixed in the next release of gnome-terminal, I'll probably switch to using urxvt for all my systems (which I already use on my laptop).